"Explore Outward"


In a “Seven Levels of Quest” class I attended, we did a “Love Quest”. The exercise was to go for a walk in nature, alone, and with each step, let my eyes fall on something, and not take another step until I could feel love for that thing I was looking at. I found the more I looked at an object, and became used to it, I began to somehow identify with it, and I could actually create/feel love in my heart for it. Perhaps looking with the intent to love created an inner connection between me and the object. I have found as I reach out and touch the world around me, I find connection with and love for plants, animals, dirt, water, wind, sound, and people, to name a few things. Connection creates relationships. Relationships are more important to me than anything. I feel rich in relationships. Be rich with love for all things.

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15 inches wide, 22 inches high. Felted merino wool and silk with hand spun yarn, embellished with beads and silk gauze. Ready to hang.

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